With a capacity of around 400 beds, Peacehaven Nursing Home provides compassionate, individualized, holistic care to all without discrimination. We offer a comprehensive gamut of services to care for the sick, frail and elderly who have physical or mental disabilities with minimal or no appropriate caregiver support at home.

The Home has 14 separate Resident Living Areas (RLAs), each designed as an individual home-like environment. Hope RLA is specially designed to meet the needs of relatively independent residents with dementia.

Peacehaven Nursing Home has also been awarded the bizSAFE level 3 status which affirms our commitment to safety and health standards at the workplace.

Programmes & Services

Activities of Daily Living

Peacehaven provides grooming, showering, feeding and other services for daily living.

Nursing Care

Peacehaven provides nursing care, comprising of medication management, wound-dressing, colostomy care, tracheostomy care and individual care planning.


Fully-trained and qualified physiotherapists and occupational therapists carry out daily maintenance exercises and recreational activities to encourage residents to maintain their physical and psycho-social well being.

Allied Health

Peacehaven offers its residents on-site access to services from a general practitioner, dietician, geriatrician, psycho-geriatrician, psychiatrist, endocrinologist, speech therapist and pharmacist. These services are generally provided at no additional cost to the resident.

Social Work

A team of trained and qualified social workers conducts social care/financial assessment for residents and their families to render assistance when needed, provides advocacy and discharge planning, facilitates support groups and conducts counselling for residents to address their psycho-social emotional needs and communicate their wishes.


Nutritious meals are prepared based on our dietician’s recommendation, to cater to the needs of each resident.

Pastoral Care
The department conducts chapel services and provides individual counselling and spiritual care support.

Location & Contact
9 Upper Changi Road North Singapore 507706 (Click here for map)
Visiting hours: 9 am – 7 pm daily
Tel: 6546 5678
Fax: 6546 1831
Email: [email protected]

For admission or registration matters, kindly refer to Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) through the social worker in the hospital.

Courtesy posting by NextLifeBook.com