1. We are a Christian organization which helps ex-offenders live Christ-honoring lives by the power of the Holy Spirit (Col 3:1-4, Rom 12:1-2), re-integrate them into society as stable and contributing members and into a local church community for continuation of spiritual support.

2. We provide rehabilitation programs based on four aspects of therapy – Spiritual Therapy, Work Therapy, Social Therapy and Physical Therapy, to help ex-offenders regain their self-confidence, self-esteem and to teach individuals to exercise self-discipline for a regular daily routine.

3. We adopt a holistic approach for life transformation by providing full cycle support to the ex-offender including family counseling, life-skills learning and after-care counseling.

Our Vision is to transform lives of ex-offenders through the love of our Lord Jesus Christ into restored and hardworking individuals, reintegrating them back into society as stable and contributing citizens.
The Helping Hand is a Christian Halfway House for ex-offenders founded in 1987 by Mr.Robert Yeo.

We are registered as a Volunteer Welfare Organization (VWO) under the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) with Institution of Public Character (IPC) status and is a Social Service Agency under the National Council of Social Service (NCSS). We also work with Singapore Prison Service (SPS) to house inmates who are nearing the end of incarceration to go through our rehabilitation process and provide employment for them before reintegrating back into society. We have helped transform many lives, and have since opened our doors to all ex-offenders as well as inmates from SPS.

ROS:307/87, UEN: S88SS0058F,
Charity Reg:000673, IPC:000344

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Our in-house rehabilitation programs last 6 months, with 4-fold emphasis on residents’ Spiritual, Vocational, Physical and Social well-being.

The program is geared to help each individual not only to regain bodily health, self-confidence and self-esteem, but also go back to a regular daily schedule while practicing self discipline, good work habits and interpersonal relationships.

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